I mean, I know I am, I feel him move every day, I see my body changing, but I feel like I was just getting used to our new normal.
Me, my man, the boys.
Life is funny.
Pregnancy wise, things are different this time around.
Trace (our nickname for the baby- NOT his name) is giving us a little trouble these last few weeks.
At my last dr. appointment my dr. noticed from an ultrasound that my placenta was calcifying quicker than normal.
There is no known causes of this, and sometimes it just happens.
So she put me on weekly non stress tests to monitor Trace and make sure he is still active and growing at a healthy rate.
I get hooked up to monitors weekly to check his heart rate and movements.
My fundal height hadn't grown in 2 weeks, which could be due to the fact that his positioning is off (he's not head down), so my dr. said that if it hadn't changed this week that she wanted to do a sonogram to check on things.
Neither of the boys were ever not head down, so this is all new to me.
I'm anxious to see how all this pans out over the next few weeks.
I do not have everything in order and ready for baby, but I am not freaking out about it.
My stress levels are at an all time low with this pregnancy.
Not having to worry about going back to work, how to afford daycare, now worrying about breastfeeding, etc. has really helped this time around.
That and my man is very laid back with everything, so it rubs off on me.
He's so even keel and calm about everything, it's one of my favorite traits of his.
As for me, I feel pregnant.
I am feeling a little more pressure now, but all in all still good.
I'm working out 4-5 times a week. Spinning mostly. Lifting minimally, but walking lots.
I have gained 32 lbs. so far with 5 weeks to go.
With the boys, I lost weight the last few weeks, so I'm betting it will be much of the same this go round.
I'm not worried about the weight.
I think this go round without breastfeeding (due to my full breast lift in 2015 with anchor incision) the weight thing will be much different.
I tried to lose weight immediately after having Mushy and I was breastfeeding at the time and didn't know how the hell to do that.
I'm one of those people who DON'T lose weight while breastfeeding.
I will also be cleaning up my diet immediately after having Trace so I think things will go a bit differently this time with losing the baby weight.
I want to say I think it will be easier to lose the weight, at least that's kind of what I'm expecting.
We'll see.
I just know more now than I did back then. I also have one hell of a support system. This is what my man does for a living, so having him there to help me will be amazing!
Not much longer now!
I should probably pack my hospital bag...
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35 weeks |